What do Eugène Marais, Sir Noël Coward, and Rob (Hooner) Calhoun all have in common?

What is your name?

Rob (Hooner) Calhoun.

What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite word?


Who is your favourite musician?

I love many types of music. No particular favourite, though I do love a bit of Van Morrison.

What is your most marked characteristic?

I’m short.

What talent would you like to have?

An élite sporting one!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Marrying my beautiful wife and having two awesome sons (is she going to read this?)

Who are your heroes in history?

I’ll avoid politicians! Jason Robinson, the England rugby player … a small man in a big man’s game!

Who are your heroes in real life?

Parents, wife, kids.

What is your idea of happiness?

A beer with friends in the sun after a sporting endeavour.

Where would you most like to live?

Why, Teddington, of course!

What is your greatest extravagance?

Currently, it seems to be Nike running shoes!

What is your most treasured possession?

Probably my Nike Vaporfly … though I have some Alphafly arriving today!

Why did you start running?

This time round, I set myself the target of running a marathon with my best mate, who sadly passed away from cancer before we managed it. That, and I was getting fatter each year!

What does running mean to you now?

It has given me sanity during lockdown. I have discovered “easy pace,” and it is superb.

What do you like about Stazza’s Stable?

Stazza’s bants. Oh, and comparing myself to the many greats assembled therein!

What is your motto?

It ain’t the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.