Runner's Corner represent!

Stablemate Wing “Iceman” Hoe Yee obliterated his PR at the Utah Valley 10K in Provo with a storming 38:28—cutting 4’51” off his long-standing best. 

The Iceman cameth 17th overall and fifth M30-34.  

The Stable News received this recap from our wingman: 

“I didn’t realize I was able to run at such a clip since most of my training was at half-marathon or marathon pace. 

Even if I did some 5K or 10-mile work, they were interval sessions, so I wasn’t sure if I could hold on for 10K non-stop. So this race was a shock. Delighted with the result.”

In addition to this quality quarter-mara’ the Iceman popped out a cheeky fourth place age-cat placing (25th overall) at the Glacier Half-Marathon over in Montana. 

Multiple medals.

Although there was no PB on this occasion, Hoe Yee learned valuable lessons during this trot. Here’s what he told the News: 

“The first five miles of the race had 950ft of elevation gain, and then another 100ft at mile 10. 

I couldn’t run the way I did in Ogden, so no new PR. John mentioned earlier that I should just run the race without worrying about timing. 

The first five miles were hilly and windy. I was on a nine-minute mile pace and thought I was running out of energy, but once I reached mile five, where the downhill began, I immediately stroked under 6:30 and beyond. 

It was a very good experience. I’m pretty sure I’m much stronger than before.” 

Prairie diurne.

We contacted Coach Stazza on his private yacht for a quick quip: “Brilliant stuff from young Wing! A phenomenal PB in Provo followed by a solid half-Mary in Montana. He’s progressing nicely, and there’s lots left in the Iceman’s tank. On a wing and a prayer? I think not!” 

Hoe Yee will be gunning for another season’s best at the Hobble Creek half on August 12.