Breaking the tape.

Stablemate Rachael Brewer bounced back from knee surgery to take the win at the North Shore Classic Half-Marathon in Highland Park, Illinois. 

In 63°F and overcast conditions, the PE-teaching, XC/track-coaching flyer soared through the field in an impressive, post-op best of 1:20:05. Brewer also fared well against the men: sensing a top 10 standing, she dove home in ninth place. 

Jumping the gun.

The Stable News sent Ally “the Chin” Smith to hear from the comeback kid: 

AS: Hiya, Rachael; long time no see. Looks like the surgery was a success. How was the half-Mary? 

RB: Thanks, Ally; great to see you. It was a well-run race. The only downside was that I did not have any other females to run with. 

In a league of her own.

Thankfully, a guy ran the entire race with me, so that was extremely helpful. 

The race was more hilly than I expected, but overall it was a good course! 

AS: Woo-hoo! Massive congratulations, Rachael. The chips and peas will keep getting stronger, and the times will keep dropping. What do you have your eyes on next? 

RB: I am planning to run a 5K on the 4th of July!

AS: Yee-haw! What a way to celebrate Independence Day. Good luck with that one, Rachael. Catch you later. 

The News jumped round to Coach Stazza’s gaff for a bit of blurb. 

We were aghast to find him lying on the floor with his new AB BLASTER 3000, making all sorts of weird noises and gyrations: “Ugh … Got … To … Get … In shape … For … Warm … Weather … Training … Camp … Ugh … That’ll do for now; my six-pack is popping (underneath my belly, ha-ha). 

And what do we have here, then? A first-place finish for Rachael Brewer. 

After ”Dr” Loyd Grossman went through the keyhole on her knee, she is back in top form. 

A perfect way to start the next big block of training. Good man!”