Triple threat.

Stablemate Shannon “Bring the Pain” Miller Bain took on the epic Tour de Pain (three different races in 24 hours) and won the lot! All three individual events and the overall. Sheesh

Taking place in hot and humid Jacksonville, Florida, Bain smashed out a 23:52 (kicking sand in her competitors’ faces) in the Friday evening 4-mile beach run.

Watch the cones!

Early on Saturday morning, she spanked out a road 5K in 17:23.

Saved for Strava.

And later that afternoon, Bain was bringing the pain once again with an all-out mile, ripping the field to pieces in 5:09. Holy moly!

Short and sharp.

The Stable News flogged a pair of Coach Stazza’s Nike Pre Montreal track spikes (worn by the legendary Steve Prefontaine) at Sotheby’s to get “the Chin” back out the office and speak to Bain face-to-face:  

Ally: Pleased to meet you, Shannon. Not everyone would sign up for three races back-to-back—how’d they go? 

Shannon: It was good to race again and just see what I could do. It’d been a while, so I didn’t know what I was capable of; but I felt faster than the last races I’d run a few months ago. 

Ally: Absolutely brilliant. Winning every event and the overall with some cracking times shows you’re really getting back. What’s next? 

Shannon: Well, it’s tomorrow, ha-ha—a 10K. Then, marathon training for the California International Marathon on December 3. Hoping I run a 2:36:48 to qualify for the 2024 Marathon Olympic Trials. 

Ally: Awesome … I’m sure Stazza won’t mind if I extend my stay to catch that result, ha! Now, I better get off and get my dinner. Know anywhere good? 

Shannon: I know a great little Mexican place if you’d care to join me? 

Ally: Sounds like a plan. Let’s go. 

The Stablemaster had ventured into the capital of Mauritius, Port Louis, when the News chimed in:

“Hello? Yes, I can hear you … Just about … This place is teeming with folk … Yes, Shannon Miller Bain … Super stuff from the super-fit cat mom. Three very different races on different surfaces, and she smoked the lot … Really well done, Shannon.”