“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.”
What is your name?
Kevin Odgers.
What is your favourite colour?
What is your favourite word?
Who is your favourite musician?
Led Zeppelin.
What is your most marked characteristic?
Cooking. (Professional chef for 22 years.)
What talent would you like to have?
I’d like to play 18 holes of golf without losing all my balls by the third hole. 😊 So, now I just drive the beer cart. 🤣
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Running 3:02 in Berlin, back in 2019. I was so close to sub-3, I could smell it. So, this year I decided I needed a coach and came across Coach Stazza on Marcus Brown’s podcast. Just listening to him—hook, line, and sinker. So, four months later, here we are, progressing towards a sub-3 and beyond.
Who are your heroes in history?
Steve Prefontaine—he just had guts and gave everything from the go; that’s talent and courage. He died way too young. Robin Williams—he had so many different styles of acting, and his comedy was so funny. Another person who was gone too quickly; I miss his character. Good Will Hunting is my favourite of his movies; it’s so powerful.
Who are your heroes in real life?
My wife, Anne; she is such a great mother and so hardworking. And she’s also a massive influence to our two girls, that when they grow up, they too can be strong, powerful women and move up the ladder as she has done. I would be lost down some other road without her wisdom.She keeps me honest, and we always motivate/support each other.
Stephen Scullion—he’s just so raw and passionate. When he’s on point, he’s unstoppable. His passion for running and training has always motivated me that everything is possible. Plus, he messes up in life on occasion and that keeps his story real, ’cause that’s life. Stuff happens, move forward—tomorrow’s another day.
What is your idea of happiness?
Relaxing with family, all three kids off devices, 😊 sharing moments that have lasting memories.
Where would you most like to live?
In a big cabin on a lake with a dock, a pontoon boat, a few fishing rods, and a big bonfire. Also, a massive picture window in the master bedroom. Wake up looking at the lake, and the peace and tranquillity that comes with it.
What profession would you like to attempt?
A drummer in a band, and as talented as John Bonham. Having the talent of a professional runner. Working in affiliation with running shoe companies, who pay you to run in them and give reviews. Having a whole shed or granny flat full of runners everywhere on display—simply choose a new one daily.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Runners and running jackets.
What is your most treasured possession?
My three children—two girls and a boy. The gifts they share every day of themselves simply cannot be overlooked. I try my best to be present in mind, so I don’t miss a thing.
Why did you start running?
My father had a massive heart attack. 99% blocked (survived), never drank or smoked. However, his diet was very poor as long as I can remember, with lots of salt, butter, ice cream, takeaways, and stress. I was going down the same exact road; once that happened, I had to make changes, so I started to run and try to eat better.
What does running mean to you now?
Running is my life and it has been my daily therapy throughout COVID. Not being able to operate my business has been a bit stressful; however, running gets me through every day, and now I have a plan that’s given me direction and accountability. I’m proud of my accomplishments and hard work, and I now know that having a coach is the path to achieving the big sub-3 goal. I’ll never give up until I smash that goal, and I think about it every day.
What do you like about Stazza’s Stable?
Honesty and support. Also, Coach listening to me waffle while I try to get out what I want to say. 🤣 I promise I have all the clarity and words lined up in the cool down, and by the time I get back in the house all the words are jumbled, and I’m rambling. Nevertheless, Coach is consistent in his feedback—and patient. This is the sign of a great coach; someone who has time for you and knows how to get the best out of you.
What is your motto?
Be yourself and believe, the rest will take care of itself.