He's a brave man to wear that shirt in the Kingdom.

Stablemate “Burly” Brendan Sheehan took the overall win and torpedoed his PB at the Born to Run Half-Marathon in Tralee. Best of all, it was a training run. Clocking a stellar 1:17:05, the buff scrum-half returned from a long (18 months!), pubic bone-related injury layoff to carve 19 minutes off his last official half-Mary in 2020. 

The strapping fellow stressed to The Stable News: “I would’ve run faster, sooner, were it not for the stress fracture down below.”

He added: “The hot and humid conditions weren’t the best for a big lad like me, but it was an ideal race for a training run on a hilly course around The Stablemaster’s humble abode.”

Turning the screw on Mills.

Speaking of his next steps, “Big B” concluded: “No real plans for races; my aim is to try to get back to a good level of fitness.” 

The News caught up with Coach Stazza and Ally “the Chin,” who were enjoying a spot of online Wii Sports boxing:

Stazza: This game is ridiculous! There’s no rhyme or reason to it … I’m sticking the jab and playing peek-a-boo, and I’m still losing! Argh!

Ally: They don’t call me the Chin for nothing, hahaha; even in a video game, I’m hard as nails, hee-hee.

Stazza: Just wait till I’m back on home turf, my boy … Then you’ll see … Speaking about home turf, our very own juggernaut Brendan Sheehan had a glorious day at the BTR half right by my heimat.

Ally: Aye, in a smidge over 77 minutes, he’s really starting to find his feet again. He’s definitely got more to come once he’s back to full fitness.

Stazza: Indeed he does; he’s got some engine from the years of GAA, and he’s got no one in front trying to stop him … Many more top placings for burly Brendan, mark my words.