NOP till I die.

Stablemate Chris “Who’s the Daddy” Roberts was Mr Consistent, running a 1:35:22 at the Thorpe and Egham Half-Marathon—only seven seconds shy of his previous outing six weeks ago. 

New dad Roberts battled horrendous humidity to finish 117th/574 overall and 103rd/351 out of the boys that took part. With no PB to shout about, The Stable News’ paperboy knocked on the Roberts residence to squeeze out some more juice.

“Come in, Ally. Fancy a brew?”

“Thanks, Chris. I’ll have a coffee, please. Black, no sugar.”

“There you go, pal. I brought through a few Bourbon biscuits.”

“Oh, my god! How did you know? They’re my favourite biscuit. I’ll eat the lot. Tell me all about the half, then—before I clear the tin.”

“It was a good race. Paced it much better than my last race six weeks prior. Haven’t had the best of training between the two races. I had quite a few weeks of missed runs and no speed work, so I wasn’t sure where I was at. Overall, I felt strong for most of it (barring the last half-mile) but still managed to put in a good sprint finish and take a guy on the line.”

Anyone for cricket?

“Excellent, Chris! That’s what I like to hear; really well done on the race. Now let me see wee Dougie before I head home. With a good Scottish name he needs some Scots slang in his life, ha-ha.”

The Stable News put a call in to Coach Stazza, just back from walking his dog in his legendary plimsolls—which are starting to look like old man slippers: “Nicely done, Chris-toe-far! Don’t you worry about not having done any speed work; you have plenty coming your way shortly.”