Representing the little town with the big heart.

Stablemate “Dazzling” Darren Aldridge sparked 3’41” off his PB at the Belfast City Marathon with a burning bright 2:54:56 and earned 16th M45. 

The Stable News met up with the Dazzling one (welding mask at the ready) to hear how he thought it went: 

“Well, the day before was a bit of a disaster—three hours waiting in the cold to collect our numbers! Not what you want the day before a marathon.

We set off from Stormont at 9am; it was great to be lining up at a marathon again. I settled in with a little group for the first few miles and felt good. About mile 10, I started running into a stiff headwind and was a bit isolated. I found the going tough and was struggling to hold pace, so I just dug in and tried to keep the effort even as much as I could.

A PB in blustery conditions. I’ll take that any day!”

The Stable News’ Halloween party planner, Ally “the Chin” Smith, was getting all fidgety while preparing the invites for posting: “Aw naw! Whit if naebuddy comes te the bash? Al jist need te drink aw the booze masel, ha-ha—nae bad thing. I dae hope Dazzling Darren turns up … I saved a bit no gettin’ a glitterball, as he’ll be bright enough! Hiy an’ al gee him mony a slap on the back for that belter of a run in Belfast. Superb, pal.”

Coach Stazza was pontificating in Palace de Stazza when we called: “Another cracking run by Darren. As Sir Francis Bacon declared, “If we are to achieve things never before accomplished we must employ methods never before attempted.” And that’s exactly what we will do. Watch this space.”

What is Aldridge attempting to achieve, I hear you ask?  

“Next marathon will be Dublin next year. But I’m looking forward to shaving a bit of time off my shorter distances in the spring/summer.”