"She wins! She's won! Hooray!"

Stazza’s Stable Elite Racing Squaddie Kate Drew rose like a phoenix from the ashes and took the win at the Reading Half-Marathon in a PB-smashing 1:14:36. 

This comeback story began after bouts of injury (and the dreaded coronavirus) scuppered her build-up—indeed, there was no one more stunned and elated with the victory and the ripping, 1’21” PR than Kate herself.

In freezing but sunny conditions, Drew donned her sunglasses and gloves, ready to write a new page in the Reading record books.

The Stable News’ Ally “The Chin” Smith was hot on the scene (after legendary YouTuber Ben Is Running gave the women’s winner a celebratory, élites-only, fist-bump):

A brush with greatness.

“Wow, wow, wow! What an epic trot, Kate! How do you feel?”

“Surprised! I had a couple of months of injury/COVID, which had a massive impact on my training, so I had little expectations going into the race.”

“Gobsmacking! The running gods were with you today; when’s the next one?”

“Night of the 10,000m PBs, at Parliament Hill on May 14.”

“Awesome. Here’s to continued success and another big PR. Congratulations again on first place, Kate—see you later.”

“Thanks, Ally.”

The News found Coach Stazza, mouth agape and with pastry in hand, flabbergasted at the rucks of PBs coming in on Super Sunday, especially Drew’s dynamic victory: “OMG! This is incredible! She not only won the Reading Half with a huge PB … She had COVID the week before, and previous to that, her foot was in a boot for two weeks as well! Jaysus! Chapeau on a stonking run!”