Still running the game.

Stazza’s Angel Deirdre “Dr Dre” Balfe beatboxed a brilliant 1’32” off her previous PB at the FASTLANE Half-Marathon in Clondalkin, Dublin. Cool, dry conditions suited Balfe as she bounded towards the finish in an impressive 1:54:01, placing 38th female and 243rd overall. 

Since joining The Stable in July 2021, Dr Dre has immersed herself in the symphony that is Stazza’s Super Base—and is reaping the rewards.

The Stable News got Balfe on the blower for a quick bit of blurb:

“Perfect running weather. Tried to pace myself for the first few km, then went a bit too quick after that, and by the halfway mark, I was a little tired. Picked it up at the end. Overall, happy with the result but need to watch the pacing.”

Proud finishers.

Giving The Stable News‘ storeroom a good clear out before Christmas, Coach Stazza and Ally “the Chin” Smith were arguing over who had to untangle the box of extension leads and old cables:

Stazza: You’ll need to do it, Ally; my fine motor skills and patience aren’t what they used to be. Plus, I need to keep practising my smile!

Ally: Argh, yer blindin’ me! No way! I just howf’d aw they boaxes o’ crap doon the stair! You can dae it!

Stazza: Listen, you! Get it done, or you’ll be getting a written warning for insubordination!

Ally: Aw, for eff’s sake. Aw’right then, did ye see Deirdre ran a great hawf the ither day? She was going great, then slowed a wee bit, an’ she pushed to finish strong—superb!

Stazza: You bet I did! A solid run from her, and we can address her pacing strategy before her next race. Well done, Deirdre, well done!

Balfe’s next outing will be the Clontarf Half-Marathon on November 27.