Two thumbs way up.

Stablemate Aidan “Full-On” Fuller quenched 1’59” off his PB at the Stafford Half-Marathon, clocking a splendid 1:28:32. 

Warm and windy weather was the order of the day in the Midlands town as Fuller got to work. 

The researcher-cum-firefighter placed 121st/2,054 overall and 70th young buck. 

He told The Stable News: “Unbelievable race, everything just worked. This wasn’t bad, considering running took a back seat in January and February, as I was firefighter training.”

Coach Stazza was enjoying a tour of Tralee and the surrounding countryside aboard a rickshaw. Its wallah, Ally “the Chin” Smith, pedalled as hard as he could to get as much sightseeing done in as little time as possible. 

Ally: Ah hope am gettin’ a big tip fur this, Coach? 

Stazza: You sure will—I’ve always wanted to cycle around my hometown. But after my fall, I can’t bring myself to get back on the bike. 

Ally: You jist leave it te me, boss. Whit aboot Aidan Fuller takin’ twa meenits aff his hawf et Stafford? 

Stazza: Well, he spent the months prior training to emulate his hero, Fireman Sam, and climbing ladders and sliding down poles must’ve had a good athletic effect, as a 1’59” PB is some going. Congrats, Aidan.  

Ally: Aye, now’t te moan aboot there. A soalid PB and mare te come aff it yit. Gid man. Noo, time te get ye back hame, Stazza—an’ al get ma tip. 💷 

Full-On Fuller will be tackling the Lichfield Half as his next endeavour—with a few fires quelled and kitty cats saved beforehand.