When Tom Ford sees someone dressed head-to-toe in a single brand, he wants to ask, "Are you OK?"

Stablemate and part-time model Karl “Gorgeous” Gloster blasted out a magnificent performance at the RunThrough Lee Valley VeloPark Half-Marathon in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. The Gorgeous one was looking for a photo finish, pouting as he crossed the line. He was fourth overall in an excellent 1:16:52, chopping a top-of-the-shop 90 seconds from his previous best. 

The Stable News’ hot-shot reporter, Ally Smith, was just starting his holidays down in London, so we gave him a few quid extra to track down Gloster at the finish:

Ally: Alright, Karl. I saw you standing with that “stare into the distance” look that all male models possess, hahaha. Give us the lowdown then, but keep it brief. I’ve just nipped to the toilet, as far as my wife knows. 😉

Karl: It was another good race. I’m not a fan of the lap courses, though. I kept finding myself counting each one and not fully focusing on the run. I don’t think I’d run another race like that!

Ally: Flippin’ heck! If that’s you not focusing on the run, then I’d love to see when you weren’t counting as you went.

Karl: Yeah, the counting took a lot of concentration.

Ally: Playing into the stereotype a bit there, mate, ha-ha … if it was as difficult as you say, with 100% focus, you’d be sub-75—easy. What’s next, then?

Karl: Aw thanks, Ally … Berlin Marathon at the end of September. But if another race comes up, I might use it as part of my training block. Will see what The Coach says.

Ally: Excellent, Karl. That performance will certainly set you up for the Stazza sessions you’ve got coming your way. Really well done again, pal. I’d better shoot before the wife thinks I’ve fallen down the loo.

Coach Stazza’s ears must have been burning, as he called The Stable News as soon as he heard of Karl’s race—and talk of another, if he saw fit:

“That boy was blistering quick around those laps, and he will be poised and ready to get into the sessions. Now … about another race … hmm … it’ll be on the condition that he runs it exactly as prescribed, as we need to get his body transformed into a glycogen burning machine at marathon pace. I could go on for hours, but I’ll speak to Gorgeous and make sure he doesn’t mess up the master plan. Happy birthday, Karl.”