File photo.

Stablemate Martin “Battered” Codd clocked a comfortable 3:52:54 at the Dublin mara’, and chipped two minutes off his PB in the process! 

The Battered Codd had to deal with rain lashing all over his crispy coating, making him as soggy as the mushy peas that were going for a Guinness World Record! 

Ally “the Chin” Smith was chomping into some Burton’s Fish ‘n’ Chips when the flaky family man strode over: 

Smith: How’s it going, Codd? Fancy a Fish ‘n’ Chip? You’re looking a bit soggier than usual! 

Codd: Indeed I do. It’s great to be finished, and I don’t give a monkey’s that I’m soaking wet, hahaha! 

Smith: Fantastic attitude! Well then? How’d it go? 

Codd: It was a good race. Great atmosphere about the plaice.

I was very happy with the run; last year I went out too fast and was goosed by halfway. The second half was not pretty

Smith: You lost concentration then, didn’t you? 

Codd: I did, but not this year. I kept a solid pace from start to finish, so that’s a big win in my book.

Smith: A big win in anyone’s book! 

Codd: I did not have ideal preparation—didn’t run a whole lot during July/August due to a weird tendonitis in the big toe and into the arch. 

Gradually got back to it though, thanks to plenty of recovery exercises, a bit of strength training, and John’s advice not to rush.

Smith: Fools rush in, whereas Stablemates have the Fairy Stazza Angel to keep them right. What else you got coming up? 

Codd: Binge watching Apple & Onion! It’s a kids’ show that not many people know of, but it cracks me and my family up! 

The anthropomorphs in question.

Smith: You kidding? We love Apple & Onion, too! “Today, today!” It’s an underrated classic; Stazza and General Puffball wouldn’t get it. 

Codd: Ha-ha, it’s great to meet someone who actually knows the show. 

Smith: Brilliant! Amazing job again today; let’s go grab a beer and watch a few episodes.

The Stablemaster was cooking up a storm down the local Creole kitchen: 

“Jambalaya Stazza-style, baby! … Tons of Cajun, king prawns, chicken, and chorizo … But what’s all this Apple & Onion business? … If it’s as good as your clipping today, Marty boy, me and Puffers will need to check it out … Good man!”