Magic Murphy

Stablemate Mark Murphy(40) delivered a perfect display of marathon running to defy the running gods as he cruised through the finishing line without hitting the Berlin wall. Murphy dropped out a two-minute PR (2:56). A close look at his 5km splits reveals a perfectly executed race:

5 km  : 21:13  km pace: 4:15

10 km: 21:14  km pace: 4:15

15km:  21:09  km pace: 4:14

20km:  21:04  km pace: 4:13

25km:  20:59 km pace:  4:12

30km:  20:47  km pace: 4:10

35km:  20:31  km pace: 4:07

40km:  20:21  km pace: 4:05

Final 2km: 08:55 km pace: 4:04

The Stablemaster, Coach Stazza, told The Stable News: “Mark ran a perfect race. A beautiful negative split, running the first half in, 1:29:17 and the second in, 1:26:53. That’s how to do it.”