Stablemate Mark Murphy(40) delivered a perfect display of marathon running to defy the running gods as he cruised through the finishing line without hitting the Berlin wall. Murphy dropped out a two-minute PR (2:56). A close look at his 5km splits reveals a perfectly executed race:
5 km : 21:13 km pace: 4:15
10 km: 21:14 km pace: 4:15
15km: 21:09 km pace: 4:14
20km: 21:04 km pace: 4:13
25km: 20:59 km pace: 4:12
30km: 20:47 km pace: 4:10
35km: 20:31 km pace: 4:07
40km: 20:21 km pace: 4:05
Final 2km: 08:55 km pace: 4:04
The St