The man in black. (Photo credit: Epic Action Imagery (

Stablemate Dan “Half-Englishman” Domeniconi threw down the gauntlet at the Wokingham Half-Marathon, coming away with a sensational 4’23” PB and sub-80-ing by a huge margin in 1:16:33. Bellissimo!

The Milanese gent was suitably colour-coordinated, oozing style, poise, and a pair of garish orange Vaporfly (not becoming of a style icon, but hey—gotta get that 4%!). He sashayed through the finish 113th overall and 16th M45. 

Ally “the Chin” Smith was there, taking in the ambience and architecture as the in-house decorator skipped over:

Ally: Alright, Dan. While I was waiting, I was admiring the town hall. Did you know it was built in 1860 and designed by Poulton and Woodman as a replacement for the guildhall, which was so dilapidated it had to be torn down? 

The unusual shape of the building is thought to be due to the irregular outline of the marketplace.

Dan: I didn’t know that, but I’ll be sure to check it out.

Ally: You’ll have plenty of time, seeing as you tanked it round the course. Guessing it was a decent PB?

Dan: Oh, yes, a big PB; my previous best for a half-marathon was in 2019 at the Vitality Big Half London in 1:20:56. 

Ally: Wowzers! Almost five minutes off—superb, Dan. How did it pan out?

Dan: A really well-organised race with closed roads and a high-calibre field. A few inclines and the wind made it a bit hard, but I felt in control all along the way. Super glad about the time! 

Ally: Fantastic! “A bit hard,” hahahaha; you sure made it look easy. What’s coming up next, apart from checking out the local buildings?

Dan: Next up is the Reading Half-Marathon on April 3. I might get sub-75. I have a lot of faith in Coach Stazza, and I know there is more to come. I joked with him that I might get sub-70 in three or four years, hahaha.

Ally: I’ve no doubt about it, Dan. Good luck with it, and I’ll see you at the finish.

The Stable News found Coach Stazza cruising in his beach buggy (The Stazzamobile)—his shirt flaring in the wind, Ray-Bans on, and blinding innocent bystanders with his teeth: 

“Yo, yo, yo, General; I’m turning into a right beachboy. The sea air, the sun … It’s a way of life.”

“Can you please get to the matter at hand? Dan Domeniconi?”

“Indeed, I can … A magnificent performance from the signore … He clipped along like the Italian stallion that he is … And best of all, he has more in the tank … Guaranteed!”