File photo.

Stablemate Robin “Mad Men” Sheridan upped sticks from the glitz and glamour of Madison Avenue and settled in the UK for advertising glory and prestigious races—enter, the Wokingham Half-Marathon.

Clocking a 1:25:50 (only a John Lewis Christmas ad off his PB) was no easy task for the mad man after flitting about during a global pandemic, and, toughest of all, parenting a toddler! Argh!

Sheridan sat down with “the Chin” for a debrief on his first pitch of 2022:

“Wokingham is well known as a ‘runners’ race’: flat, with a very high standard across the board. 

It’s one of the earliest halfs you can do in the season, so it is a good way to shake off the winter. 

The first six miles or so are net downhill, so you can get into a really good rhythm. I felt strong through nine miles but got separated from a group around the 10-mile mark. 

So the last three miles, with some motorway bridges and straight-into-the-wind gale, meant I lost a bit there. But I’m pleased I could hold it together and finish strong! 

I’m quite happy to have only lost a handful of minutes off the PB I set a few years ago. Onwards!”

“Nicely done, Robin. Not too far away from the PB after all the stress of moving and looking after a youngster. Anything else lined up?”

“I have a place at the Edinburgh Marathon in May. Famous for its brutal headwind from 16 miles, so I’m looking forward to getting some more wind training in over the next few weeks.”

“Well, we are never shy of a bit of wind here, buddy. Edinburgh is a cracking city, so keep the head down and then you can enjoy it afterwards.”

“Will do, Ally; any chance you could babysit?”

“Oh, eh … I need to shoot … Well done again, Robin. See ya.”

The Stable News pinged Coach Stazza, who was chomping down on some succulent zebra rump, for a smattering of slogans: “Born in the USA, lovin’ life in the UK. Oh, he’ll like this one: Robin mustered a rust-buster! Oh, YES! Here’s my stripy horse.

Mmm, chomp, ooo, oh yes

Sorry, lads; this steak is simply orgasmic. Getting back to the point: Robin had a great showing after a few turbulent months, and like he said—onwards!”