A load of cobbles.
Stablemate Adam Smyth hammered around the Beatles’ backyard as if he’d grown up there himself. The teacher-in-training clocked an astonishing 72:08 at the Liverpool Half-Marathon, taking third spot on the podium, to boot!
A technicality at the Antrim half-mara’ (namely, the course being 50m short) meant that this was his super-duper-slap-me-across-the-face-it’s-so-good PB of 14 minutes-odd.
Liverpool was the perfect place for a personal record, and the weather did its best to help: sunny, calm, and at that sweet spot of temperatures, 10℃.
The Stable News gave Smyth a call during playtime, and as he chomped on Dairylea Lunchables, he gave us food for thought into the best way to train for a half:
“It was a last-minute sign-up (Monday of race week), as I’m currently doing my PGCE (post-grad teacher training course) in Liverpool and not really focusing on specific training for any events.
Fantastic race, perfect conditions, and a lovely course. Got caught in no man’s land in the first mile and ran solo, but felt pretty good given the lack of consistent or specific high-quality training lately.”
Assistant coach Ally “the Chin” had this to say on Smyth’s success as he finished the last of his Tennent’s keg (spring break was soon to be over 😥): “Atta’ bohee, Adam. Ye’ve bin pluggin’ away wi’ some decent weeks; a 90-odd an 80-odd a few week ago, if a’ remember richt. It’s aw piyin’, aff noo, pal … Fancy a pint? Ye’ve earned it!”
The News found Coach Stazza power walking around Tralee, wearing ankle weights and holding a Shake Weight in each hand: “Oh yeah, baby! I can really feel the burn! I am gonna be ripped for summer! Jellybaby won’t be able to keep her hands off my bulging biceps and chiselled abs!
Someone who doesn’t need this advanced training modality is young Adam Smyth. His head is on learning, but don’t let him fool you with this I just rocked up and got third spiel … He bangs out consistently good runs and is maintaining that base. Obviously, when he decided to open the taps it worked a treat! Excellent job, lad.”
The blond bombshell has nothing planned for the future of his racing, but with a performance like that after jumping in on the week of, who can blame him?
He does, however, look forward to a summer of racing during the very long teachers’ holidays!