Team Bybee.

Elite Stablemate and all-round supermom Tawny Bybee ran the St George Mini Marathon (half-marathon distance) FOR THE WIN in an epic 1:14:14. Bybee bagged herself a 1’45” PB en route to victory while many of you were still tucked up in bed—she finished before the sun was up! The mother of four even put most of the men in their place by taking third overall! Is there anything this woman can’t do?

Calling in from The Stazza Jet, hot-shot reporter Ally “Clark Kent” Smith spoke to his fellow superhero while she waited for turbo hubby Dustin to finish the marathon:

AS: … Tawny? Can you hear me? … Stazza needs to upgrade the telecoms on his jet … Tell me all you can before we get cut off …

TB: It was really interesting running in the dark. I was lucky enough to think about wearing a headlamp … It would have been really hard to run fast without it … 

AS: Yep, yep, headlamp … That’s great … I think I’m losing you …

TB: Hello? … Ally? … I hope you get this … I just felt really good from mile one! Fueled with Maurten at mile six … Saw my family with 5K to go. I honestly thought I was gonna sneak under 1:14 … but now I guess I have something to work for next year … It was a downhill half, so that definitely helps with the time and makes for crazy sore legs in a few days …

AS: 1:14? … Holy macaroni, that’s quick … Downhill races are just as tough … especially at altitude … The quads will be shredded, but no matter … You are the St George Mini Marathon champion … Very well done …

TB: Thanks Al … beeeeep.

The Stable News found Coach Stazza sitting by the fire, in his antique leather chair, smoking his pipe (for added wisdom): “Tawny, Tawny, Tawny; what a magnificent performance. Excellent pacing and a drop of Maurten gave you the confidence to push hard to the end. Good man.”

The champion of St George will be back in action at the Earn Your Turkey 4-miler on Thanksgiving before she has a mad dash to the shops for Stazza’s Christmas present. 😉