The medal women.
Stazza’s Stable Elite Racing Squaddie Ruth “Flying” Fitzgerald destroyed the competition—and took the win—at the St Paul’s Parish Frank Leahy 5 Mile, with an epic 28:02. The spectators cheered and roared as the local lass burst through the tape.
Moreover, Flying Fitzy battered 45 seconds off her previous best and gave the rest of the field a scare, placing 11th overall in mild and breezy conditions.
The Stable News secured an exclusive interview with Fitzgerald and rendezvoused with the champ at Gratten Bar in Waterford to hear how it went:
SN: Morning, Ruth; that was an excellent performance out there. Tell us more.
RF: I enjoyed it … I worked hard with a few of my club-mates for most of the run and was really happy to finish strong—which is usually my weakness.
SN: Brilliant. That finish was something else. Anything else you’d like to add?
RF: Yes. My mam did the five miles in 36:30 and won the F60 category by a mile!
SN: Wowee! You can see where you get it from. Congrats again to you and your mam.
The Stable News put a call in to The Stablemaster, who was after another hard day’s coaching at Tambach track: “Flying Fitzy left the competition flabbergasted! A very well-paced run and a strong old finish. Well done, lad!”
In other news, Fitzgerald fought tooth and nail at the John Treacy Dungarvan 10 Mile to finish second female in 58:10. Make sure you grab your copy of The Stable News next week to find out all the juicy details.