The effortless chic of a Milanese gent.

Stablemate and half-Englishman Dan “the Man” Domeniconi completed his first “proper” marathon in a little city called London, and he’s only gone and blown the bloody doors off with a 2:48:45! That takes 25’35” off his last, “unofficial” outing. 

Dan sliced through the wind like a hot knife through butter to place 884th overall and 207th in his age category (40-44).

The Stable News’ London Marathon correspondent, Ally “the Chin” Smith, was at the finish line to hear from the Man: 

AS: Dan! An out-and-out top-class run for your first mara’, mate. How did you feel it went? 

DD: Why, thank you, Ally. This was my first go at a legit marathon. Started at marathon pace, coming through halfway in 1:24:08. Even though I was hoping to increase the pace a bit in the second half, I did not have enough to manage it, but I maintained my effort in the second half. 

AS: You are being very modest, Dan. Your stats have just uploaded, and that is a perfectly paced run. 

DD: Thanks, Ally. 

The Stable News called Coach Stazza (busy flicking through an Argos catalogue for a treadmill): “Ooo, that’s a good deal! €300 for a folding ‘mill that goes up to 30kph! Jellybaby says I’ll never use it, so what’s the point? But I’m back on it this time! Promise.🤞🏼 Dan’s run? Marvellous, I say, simply marvellous. 25’35” off his last marathon is incredible. Great running, Dan.”

Dan the Man isn’t hanging about to get his next race in. It’s the Cabbage Patch 10-miler in Teddington on Sunday, October 17.

Editor’s Note: Domeniconi ran a 58:42 (knocking 1’12” off his PB) at the Cabbage Patch 10—another great performance from the Man!