The master of his universe.

Stablemate Matt “Goody two-shoes” Garner obliterated 12 minutes from his full ‘thon best at the London Marathon with a 3:06:03 clocking—meaning the 40-something-father-of-two was well inside the Boston qualifying time (for his age) of 3:10. 

With nigh-on 50 thousand participants, Garner placed well up the standings; a fabulous 3,804th overall.

Finer detail.

The Stable News caught up with Matt as he sat in a lay-by between driving lessons, chomping on a Ginsters pasty:

“The race couldn’t have gone any better. The second half was only one minute slower than the first half. This was my fourth marathon, and by far it’s the best it’s ever gone. I was waiting to start feeling it around miles 20-to-22, but it just never happened. And after seeing my family just after the 24.5 mile mark, I didn’t have far to go, so I could grit my teeth and finish strong and push on for the Boston qualifying time I needed.

Hopefully, my finish time of three hours and six minutes (which is a 12-minute PB) is enough to get me a place (I needed sub-3:10).

My next race is the Great North Run, where I’m looking to get a qualifying time for the New York City Marathon. For my age group, that means running a sub-1:25 half-marathon. I will be looking to get around 1:22, so that I’m quite a bit below the threshold to give me more of a chance.”

The News contacted The Stablemaster for a hot take on the teacher’s pet’s performance: “Good ol’ Garner! He’s a model student … Listens, takes my advice on board, and trains his bahukey off. Now, with his fourth marathon—and second year in The Stable—it’s all clicking into place. Soon we’ll get ready to gawn doon the toon and get that New York qualifier.”