Two-tone Trae.

Stablemate and soon-to-be Utah running royalty Trae “Durtmeister” Durtschi banged out a stunning 2:44:00 at the St George Marathon, slapping six minutes off his PB. 

The Durtmeister devoured the dastardly downhill course to finish 36th dude overall and eighth in the baby-faced, 35-39 category—winning a plaque to show off at school the next day. 

The Stable News called the sprightly youngster to get the lowdown on his run:

“I’m still in the process of building my base, so my training hasn’t been specific for St George. I paced myself really well through 15 miles, but I started running faster than I should’ve for the next five. The steep downhills at miles 21 and 22 caused cramping in my abdomen and quads. I stopped to ease the tension in my body because it was becoming difficult to breathe. I finished the last five miles at a slower pace, getting passed by about six people. I really don’t like getting passed at the end, but I did get my goal of pacing in the top eight of my age group to earn a plaque.”

Back at The Stable News office, Coach Stazza had “the Chin” firmly in his grip—arm wrestling over who would buy the lunches that week:

CS: I might look all puffy and weak, but it’s all about the technique, Ally. 

AS: Argh, you won’t beat me, old man. Check out these guns. 💪🏼 

CS: It’s not the size that matters! IT’S WHAT YOU DO WITH IT THAT COUNTS!


AS: NNOOO! Please, Stazza, tell me your secret? 

CS: When you’re ready. Now look at this. Young Trae ran a blinder of a race at St George. No race-specific work, just good ol’ fashioned aerobic base building, and he smashed six minutes off his best. Excellent running. 

AS: Flippin’ ‘ell. That’s a cracking pace and skelping six minutes off! Only wish I could skelp you across the face. Am away hame. 

CS: No need to take the huff, Ally. See you tomorrow—and I’ll have eggs Benedict for lunch, thank you very much. 

In other news, the Durtmeister will be saving himself for St George 2022, with a sprinkling of smaller, inconsequential races in between.