"Dedicated to my dad."

This is a Stable News x Stablemaster 10 Race Report.

Hi, Coach,

First of all, I just want to say a massive thank you for everything so far! You are getting the best out of me, and I can safely say I have never been in better shape physically and mentally than what I am now!

So, to today’s run. It hasn’t quite sunk in to be honest, as I honestly had no idea I had that in me! I said on my post the other day I was going to try and hold 6:40 pace throughout, but that all went out the window right from the start.

You gave me license to go hard and fast, so I made full use of your permission, 😀 and don’t have to wait for the dreaded call after. 😄

I went out at 5K-ish pace (6:17), as I tried to settle into what felt comfortable on the day.  I eased into 6:27 and said to myself, I feel good today let’s change the goalposts and try to hold a 6:30 pace throughout, and that seemed to feel right! It did get tougher with around 0.7 of a mile to go, but I looked at my watch and noticed a sub-40 was on … but I just missed out by two seconds. 🥲

There was lots of swearing. I felt emotional after and thanked my dad up in the sky for looking over me and helping me to get through the run!

Very happy with the splits:







Last 0.2 6:32

Previous PB set Feb 13th, 2021—42:47

New PB today—40:01

The build-up didn’t go as I would have hoped, but I controlled everything I could and just remembered my reasons for lacing up in the first place; I wasn’t going to let my dad down!

What’s even more promising is how I felt today compared to my previous PB in February. I felt stronger and less tired today, and I am very excited about my training moving forward!

